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Writer's pictureKai Wen

Final Reflection Blog

Part One:

I think the first most transformative learning experience is annotation as well as peer review. Prior to this course, I barely did annotation of movies. I simply just watched the movie and then summary what I could remember. But after doing annotation, I found that I got a better understanding of the plot and the characters. Also, peer reviewing my classmates' annotation helps me to explore different ideas and reflections.

The Second experience that I found extremely transformative is the podcast project. I've never did a podcast before and this time was all new for me. Although it's time-consuming and tiring, I think it did help me learnt a lot. I met more people in the class and we really had a great time producing our project.

Part Two:

The first problem is the issue of understanding every task perfectly. In the beginning, I was pretty overwhelmed by the workloads and different types of tasks. The instruction of some tasks were very long and complicated which makes it hard to follow. Sometimes I would miss some of the requirements causing me to lose points.

The second problem is collaboration issue. When I first started working the podcast project, it's kind of hard to gather group members together since everyone had their own schedules and plans. Therefore, the first couple of days were not doing anything at all making our due days a rush.

I think I need to be more patient with the tasks in the future. Taking more time to read each instruction and making sure I don't miss anything is necessary. For the collaboration, I need to be more active and communicate more with my group members instead of doing in the last minute.

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Mar 15, 2021

Hello Kai! I totally agree with the importance of making annotations as you mentioned. Making annotations can help us to take notice of many details in the films and articles, which can help us further analyze them. Thank you for your responses to my discussion posts in this quarter. I hope you will do well in your future study.


Pan Zhang
Pan Zhang
Mar 15, 2021

I agree with you. I also think that film annotation and podcast production are two key moments of change. It is a pleasure to work with you in small groups. I think our final product is very good. Hope there is a chance to cooperate.


Kexin Zhang
Kexin Zhang
Mar 15, 2021

1. Hi Kai. I have to confess that doing annotation while watching a film indeed helps us to have a better understanding for characters and scenes. Some films, like Beauty and Beast, I’ve watched before did not leave a deep impression on me, but after I finished the annotation, I not only memorized some important plots, but also had a deeper understanding of gender roles of characters. For your two problems, I reckon that you should pay more attention on the requirements since the professor always bold or color the important details in the instruction. Besides, on the end of the instruction, there is always a note for minimum requirement, which you should notice that. Anyway, you could work better…


Zoe Zeng
Zoe Zeng
Mar 14, 2021

I feel the same way in many aspects you did and I like how you summed up this class. I was excited to evaluate other peers' film annotations because I always feel amazed that people could see the same film from many different angles! As one of your group mates in making the podcast project, I enjoyed working with you and all of our group members. Although we were a bit rush at the end (I guess it was because I worried about things too much and added the things at the last minute), I liked our final product! Thank you and for your hard work, it was nice to work with you!


Mar 14, 2021

Hi Kai, I totoally agree with your point that making annoations, especially for films rather than articles, offer me a new approach to have a better understanind of the hidden meaing of the movie. Also, though the process of making podcast is struggling, I believe it's a fresh experience for all of us and we all learnt something new. Hope you do well in your future study and best wishes.

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