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Hello, visitors. This page is about my writing process and I am going to show you my work through some of the tasks I'm being doing for the past weeks, enjoy!

Section 1: Planning and Exploratory Writing


This excerpt is from one of the early annotation I did in this course. I watched the documentary "Kill Us Softly 4" and I was analyzing the influence of adverstisment. I apply reading skills to various kinds of texts, here "video", specifically. The idea was really shocking to me since I was not aware of the impact of advertising at all. 


The second excerpt is from an exploratory writing of Beauty and the Beast. I annotated how Belle and Beast represent their gender roles and social norms through their actions and songs. I developed effective habits for my own writing process that I learnt how to annotate films and form my own ideas.


Section 2: Peer Review


It's a screenshot of one advice that I gave to my classmate. It's also from the same exploratory writing I mentioned above. I suggest some quotation issues and recommend her to take a deep analysis of the change of the beast. I improved my peer review skills through practice especially through the writing review. I am sure now I can give better critial suggestions to others.


This is an introductory paragraph review I got from my classmate Ashley.

I think she gave me very useful and authentic advice. I then went revise some of the points she mentioned about my paragraph. I really practice collaboration with my classmate in a way that we would both benefit from.

Section 3: Self-Review


This is a screenshot taken from an annotation I made through connect. I mentioned that I don't need to say this later part of the sentence since it's rendundant. I could just simply ask the question directly instead. Here, I understood the importance of self review and by looking back to my essay, I could go from a reader's view to re-think some of the ideas I used.


This is another annotation I made through self-review. I did this because I think I should do more summary and paraphrase in my own understanding rather than just directly using the quotation. I understood the importance of reflection by retrospecting what I've learnt before.

Section 4: Revision


This revision is what I talked about before that I was thinking change the redundate illustration to question. It is more simple and direct and also lead my readers to think about themselves. 


This is a revision of my thesis which I took suggestion from Professor Haas. It not only addresses gender values and social norms clearer but also makes much more sense compared to the older one. After revising it, the whole essay became solid and I could develop my body paragraphs following this thesis.

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