Name: Baiyu Wang
I read Baiyu’s post about habits where she effectively reflects what she learnt and gained so far in this course. I really appreciate that she learnt so much and improved on her habits.
Name: Zebang Xia (Abe)
Abe reflects on his third post what he learnt through the course’s material and reflects on Disney and gender. I commented that it’s something I did not do to connect the material to those habits.
Name: Shenglin Ye
Shenglin reflects more on what he reads through the first three weeks. He is really curious about and engaged in those articles about gender and social norms. I should also raise my curiosity since it’s important for me to really learn things thoroughly.
Name: Pan Zhang
Pan shares his own thoughts on various habits that he has or about to get. I feel the same as him that we both learnt a lot from the documentary Kill Us Softly.
Name: Cuiwen Zhou
I really like the design that Cuiwen did to her third post. She also explains the meaning of every habits which would be very helpful for other readers.
Name: Jiasheng Zhu (Leo)
Leo did summary ahead of the habits which I think is meaningful to do. I also like how he shows his curiosity in gender and social roles. I should really learn from him.